Happy New Year, everyone! I didn’t intend for my Champagne Punch to be my last post of 2015, but the holiday season completely took over my schedule and then I spend the last week of the year in Florida with my sister, so I never got around to the last couple posts I had planned. Guess you’ll have to wait for next December to see those!

I am all about a fresh start. Whether that’s the start of a new year or just the start of a new week, I love wiping the slate clean and doubling down on hard work toward my goals. Something about the new year makes me feel like anything is possible, and I’m excited (and nervous) to share some of my goals for the year with you. This kind of vulnerability is hard for me, because what if I don’t successfully achieve these goals this year? It’s always been difficult for me to put my goals out into the world for fear of failure, but this year I’m trying to be braver, so here goes!

Get fit.

Classically at the top of every year’s resolutions list, getting in shape is something I’m really committing to this year. I made a lot of progress last year, but moving back home undid a lot of the work I had done so far, and I’m determined not to let that happen this year. Look for a fitness progress report at least once a month here on the blog to keep me accountable.

Get organized.

I am obsessed with organization on paper, but I need a better system for organizing my actual ‘things.’ I have a lot of piles to go through of stuff I probably don’t need, and I would really like to have that everything-in-its-place feeling. This goes for my closet as well–I did a pretty good cleanout in the fall, but there’s always more to be done.

Get a “real” job.

I kind of hate even writing this down, because it sounds like I haven’t been trying. I've actually been applying to a lot of opportunities; I just haven't received much response, which obviously is frustrating. I’d like to design for a firm or a studio, or in-house at a company I like. Fingers crossed that this resolution gets crossed off quickly!

Move out.

This goes hand in hand with the resolution above. I’ve missed out on a few opportunities because the company/studio wanted someone already local to NY or LA or wherever, which is hard because obviously, I’m ready to move wherever! I’ve just been hesitating on moving somewhere before I have a steady income just to look for a job, because, well...rent and stuff.

Move forward with future projects.

I have some great ideas for projects I’d like to see come to life this year. Exciting things for me and for X-Height-Ment, and hopefully for you guys too! I can’t say too much about these yet, because they’re still in the works, but hopefully you’ll know about them soon!

Improve my photography and coding knowledge.

My photography skills are something I reallllly want to improve upon this year. I often get frustrated because I know how to style an image or how I want the final product to look, but can’t actually get the shot. Hopefully by the end of the year I’ll have a firmer grasp on it. Same goes for coding–I can edit code fairly well, but I can’t write it from scratch by any means, so I’d like to develop a more in depth knowledge of that as well.

I have other goals for the year too, but these are the big ones I’m focusing on right now. I’m trying to think of a word to encompass my year, but I’ve been drawing a blank. No one word seems big enough to encompass all I want to accomplish this year (which is good, I suppose?). Definitely focusing on being more positive this year!

What are some of your resolutions for 2016?