One summer when I was around twelve, I spent a week teaching myself to french braid. I braided my hair over and over and over again until I could finally do it without taking forever. Dutch braiding has proven to be quite the struggle for some reason, even though it's literally french braiding backwards. BUT I have finally mastered it, and today I'm here to teach you both braids and the differences between them.

The biggest difference between the two braids is super simple. With french braiding, you cross the sections over the middle as you continue braiding, and with dutch braids, you cross them underneath. This difference is so slight, but it gives two completely different looks. Check out the step by step instructions below.


  1. Take a small section of hair at the crown of your head and divide it into three equal sections.
  2. Cross the front (left) section under the middle, and then do the same with the right.
  3. Add hair from the left side of the head to the original section as you cross it under the middle. Do the same with the right.
  4. Continue to add hair from both sides as you continue down the braid, smoothing it out as you go.
  5. When you've added all your hair, continue with a normal three strand braid until you reach the end.
  6. Tie it with an elastic and then repeat with the other side.

  1. Take a small section of hair at the crown of your head and divide it into three equal sections.
  2. Cross the front (left) section over the middle, and then do the same with the right.
  3. Add hair from the left side of the head to the original section as you cross it over the middle. Do the same with the right.
  4. Continue to add hair from both sides as you continue down the braid, smoothing it out as you go.
  5. When you've added all your hair, continue with a normal three strand braid until you reach the end.
  6. Tie it with an elastic and then repeat with the other side.
Let me know if you want to see more tutorials! I might make a video next time, so what kind of hair or makeup tutorials would you like to see?