December 19, 2015No Comments

Three Ingredient Champagne Punch

If you're like me, you can probably just drink champagne straight out of the bottle and be pretty happy. But if you're serving it to a large group, it can get a little pricey—and dangerous—providing everyone with their own bottle (can you imagine??), so adding it to a punch is a great way to celebrate without having to buy a ton!



This champagne punch is the easiest thing in the entire world, I promise. Are you ready?


  • 2 liters of ginger ale
  • 1 1.5L bottle of champagne
  • 20 oz of frozen strawberries

To Make:

  • Add the champagne, ginger ale, and strawberries to a large punch bowl.
  • Done.

Seriously. Just dump everything in a bowl and serve!



You can never go wrong with adding more fruit or even juice concentrate either, so feel free to mix it up. This recipe is great as a base for more flavors or just on its own! And then you get to eat those amazing champagne-soaked strawberries...yum. I know what I'm toasting with on NYE!

PS. These disco ball drink stirrers would be a great addition to your flute of this punch!

December 18, 201511 Comments

DIY Disco Ball Drink Stirrers

We're in the single digit countdown to Christmas, and you know what that means...time to start planning for New Years so you don't get caught completely off guard. Just kidding (kind of)! My birthday is the 29th, so it's actually between those two holidays, which basically just makes that whole week a constant party!

I have a suuuper simple one minute DIY for you today–you can make a ton of these drink stirrers for less than $5, and you'll always be ready to bust out the booze in style.

DIY Disco Ball Drink Stirrers | Alexandra Adams

DIY Disco Ball Drink Stirrers | Alexandra Adams


  • Sequined or glittered styrofoam balls–Look for vase and jar fillers. I got a huge bag of them at Michael's for just a couple bucks!
  • Cocktail Stirrers

To Make:

  • Poke the sharp end of the skewer or stirrer into the styrofoam, making sure not to poke all the way through to the other side.
  • Trim the stirrer if needed to fit your glass.
  • That's it! Seriously.

DIY Disco Ball Drink Stirrers | Alexandra Adams

DIY Disco Ball Drink Stirrers | Alexandra Adams

These are so perfect for New Year's–don't they look just like the ball about to drop? How will you be celebrating at midnight this year?

DIY Disco Ball Drink Stirrers | Alexandra Adams

DIY Disco Ball Drink Stirrers | Alexandra Adams


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